"God has a purpose in all He does in and through history, and He is the director of all the details."

- A.W. Tozer

  • From Columbus’ discovery of a continent to the end of the cold war, the United States has long been a source of pride for its own citizens and inspiration to others around the world. Our Founding Fathers believed our many improbable successes could only be attributed to one thing, divine providence. Taught from a patriotic perspective, students will learn about our country’s remarkable discovery, settlement, founding, and development. Essential American values such as public virtue, personal liberty, and private property, which have made our country uniquely successful, will also be included. Students will be active participants in the analysis of mistakes from the past using historical perspectives, while celebrating the strengths of the men and women who cleared the wilderness, abolished slavery, and rid the world of fascism and communism.

    Required Textbooks:

    American History: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events That Shaped The United States of America

    By Billy Wellman

    ISBN: 979-8887651187

    The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic

    By Michael Medved

    ISBN: 978-0553447286

    Rand McNally World Atlas Know Geography Grades 9-12

    ISBN 978-0528026263


    3 or 5 subject notebook

    Pencils, pens, highlighters

    Post-it notes and tabs

  • Sitting on the edge of empires, the Biblical lands were fought over by rival people – Canaanites, Philistines, Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans for more than 2000 years prior to Christ’s birth. So often we view the events of ancient civilizations and events of the Bible on separate timelines which only converge during the Roman Empire around the time of Christ’s birth, but this could not be further from the truth. The separation of Biblical history and secular history chips away at our understanding of just how closely intertwined the stories of the Bible are to events we read about in traditional textbooks.

    Ernst Renan once said, “All history is incomprehensible without Christ.” But it is also true that both Christ and the Scriptures are equally incomprehensible without the historical backdrop against which they are framed. In this course, students will make connections among various ancient civilizations through research, Scripture, historical documents, and even archaeology. Students will also learn to defend the historical veracity of Bible. Last but not least, we will dig into some of the most famous battles of the Bible, tackling topics of weaponry, strategy, military leaders, and divine aid.

    Required Textbooks:

    Ancient History: A Framework of the Bible

    by John Stevenson

    ISBN: 978-0982208670

    Battles of the Bible, 1400 BC – AD 37: From Al to Masada

    by Martin J. Dougherty

    ISBN: 978-1435132719

    Rand McNally World Atlas Know Geography Grades 9-12

    ISBN: 978-0528026263


    3 or 5 subject notebook

    Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils 24 pack

    Pencils, pens, highlighters

    Post-it notes

  • Geography shapes our history and our destiny. Throughout time, various land characteristics have affected wars, politics, and societies. Nations are often prisoners of their geography, bound by the location of mountain ranges, or their access to rivers for trade. Although technology has removed many barriers, it is nearly impossible to understand how much geography affects our international relations without a thorough understanding of the physical landscape of our globe. This course is intended to help students understand why geography on the other side of the globe is important to them. Students will uncover the answers to questions like: Why will America never be invaded? Why does Russia have a navy when its ports are frozen six months out of the year? How is China’s future curbed by its geography? Will Europe ever be united? The answers are all geographical. Concepts in geopolitics of the past and present will be taught and discussed in class. Students will also learn maps skills, as well as research current examples of geographical influences on world affairs today.

    Required Textbooks:

    Prisoners of Geography

    by Tim Marshall

    ISBN: 9781501121470

    The Power of Geography

    By Tim Marshall ($14.49)

    ISBN: 978-1982178635

    Rand McNally World Atlas Know Geography Grades 9-12

    ISBN: 978-0528026263


    3 or 5 subject notebook

    Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils 24 pack

    Pencils, pens


    Post-it notes

  • This class is designed as a middle school history class that will give an overview of all of Texas history including geography, government, economy, state symbols, etc., as well as history. The students will be required to take notes, participate in class discussions, keep an organized notebook, and complete various projects, quizzes and tests.

    Required Textbooks:

    Texas History PACES, 4th Edition Grade 7

    Stock No: WW652702


    1 1/2 or 2 inch binder

    blue/black pen, red pen

    colored pencils

    notebook paper


  • Students will begin first semester by answering and discussing questions such as: Do you know what is meant by “the left” and “the right” in the political realm? How is this continuum defined? Do you know how our American founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, work together?

    In this Government class you will learn the different forms of government and where they lie on the continuum. We will also discuss and define the inextricably link between our American founding documents and the Christian foundation of our American government. Students will see through a detailed study of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, how our Founding Fathers emphasized limited government and how citizens are endowed by their Creator (not the government) with certain “unalienable rights” of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

    Second semester, students will begin their study of Economics and answer questions such as: Do you know how an economic system works together with a specific form of government? Do you know basic micro/macro-economic principles?

    In this Economics class, you will learn production, supply and demand, competition, inflation, saving and become more literate with economic terms. We will explore to see the choices that societies take regarding production, distribution, and consumption of goods, and how all of these work with specific forms of government. You will also learn about prominent economists and gain a cursory knowledge of the field of finance (stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, etc.) and the field of accounting (the Balance Sheet and Income Statement). This class will show the link between economic freedom and political and individual freedom by encouraging free-enterprise, capitalism, and moral responsibility with money.

    Required Textbooks:

    American Government, 3rd Edition


    Economics: Works & Prosperity, 3rd Edition



    three subject spiral

    folder with prongs and pockets
