Science: where you mix chemicals, blow things up, and then write about it like it was all part of the plan.
This course is intended for middle-school students. It covers the history of science through the ages; scientific inquiry and method; documentation of scientific results; astronomy; geology & paleontology; meteorology & oceanography; general chemistry; general physics; life science; general biology; marine science; environmental science; and, science and creation
Supply Fee: $10
Required Textbooks:
Exploring Creation with General Science Textbook, 3rd Edition
ISBN 978-1-946506-27-6 (
Exploring Creation with General Science Student Notebook 3rd Edition
ISBN 978-1-946506-30-6 (
Supplies Needed:
pocketed folder with three prongs
This course is the second middle school science course and is intended for 8th grade. It covers the basic principles of earth science, physics, chemistry, light, sound, forces in creation and astrophysics, interspersed with thought provoking and engaging labs.
Supply Fee: $10
Required Textbooks:
Exploring Creation with Physical Science Textbook, 3rd Edition
ISBN 978-1-946506-51-1
(Found at or other online bookstores)
Exploring Creation with Physical Science Student Notebook, 3rd Edition
ISBN 978-1-946506-54-2
(Found at or other online bookstores)
Supplies Needed:
1.5 inch binder
blue/black pen and red pen,
colored pencils
two sharpened pencils
This class is designed as a student’s first lab based high school science which gives the student an introduction to how living organisms are designed, how they interact with one another, and how they interact with their physical environment. Students are taught how biologists classify life, the chemical processes that make life possible, the structures of RNA and DNA, and the designs of the different cells found in living organisms. Students also learn the means by which photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular reproduction occur. They then learn the current state of biotechnology. With the molecular and cellular basis of life covered, the students are then given a survey of the different kinds of organisms found in nature: archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants. The students then learn the biogeochemical cycles that keep environments hospitable to life, which leads to a discussion of ecosystems. Throughout the course, students see that life is the result of and that organisms have been given the ability to adapt to their surroundings.
Students will need to take notes, work on vocabulary and complete comprehension checks throughout each chapter and spend 45 minutes to an hour Monday through Friday reviewing and studying their notes and vocabulary. Students will also be asked to write up lab experiments for the different types of experiments they will do. There are three types of experiments: household items, dissections, and microscope use. Students will also complete several short projects related to the various biological concepts presented.
Supply Fee: $60 (this includes dissection supplies)
Required Textbooks:
Discovering Design with Biology
by Dr. Jay Wile Publishers: Berean Builders Publication Date :2022;
ISBN 979-8985252941
Supplies Needed:
3-ring binder
notebook paper
colored pencils
college-ruled composition notebook
fineline markers
pen and pencil
highlighter (any color)
glue stick or small bottle of glue
This college-preparatory course covers fundamental aspects of chemistry such as the classification of matter, atomic structure, spectroscopy, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, physical change, chemical change, stoichiometry, solutions, ideal gases, acid/base chemistry, reduction/oxidation reactions, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and chemical equilibrium. Weaving together concepts and their mathematical applications, the course teaches students how to think as a chemist so they can analyze the major changes that occur in matter.
Throughout the course, the student is shown how chemistry reveals the amazing design that exists all around us. From the details of atomic structure to the makeup of the very air that we breathe, chemistry shows us the marvelous handiwork of God.
Supply Fee: $45
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Required Textbooks:
Discovering Design with Chemistry,
Dr. Jay L. Wile, Berean Builders, 2015
ISBN 978-0996278461
1.5 or 2 inch binder
notebook paper
2 pencils
2 pens (one colored)
colored pencils
college-ruled composition notebook
highlighter (any color)
This course is a high-level, college preparatory lab course designed to give the student an advanced understanding of biology while also preparing them for college level biology. The student will learn about the body’s organ systems, ranging from the digestive and respiratory systems to the endocrine and lymphatic systems. It also will cover the reproductive system in detail but done so with respectful illustrations and descriptions.
The text is written in a conversational format guiding the students through key learning strategies like how to think critically about what they are learning, identify important parts of the information that is presented, take meaningful notes, and complete experiments with written evaluations.
In this course, students will learn the following: Foundational Anatomy and Physiology Concepts, Histology (the study of tissues), Integumentary and Skeletal systems, Skeletal Systems Histology and Movement, Muscular System Histology and Physiology, Skeletal Muscle System, Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Endocrine System, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System, Respiratory System, Urinary System, and Reproductive System.
Supply Fee: $50 (this includes dissection supplies)
Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry
Required Textbooks:
Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd Edition
ISBN 978-1-946506-60-3
Kaplan Medical Anatomy Coloring Book 9th Edition
by Stephanie McCann & Eric Wise
ISBN 978-1506281216
1 ½ or 2 inch binder
Notebook paper
Colored pencils
Pens and pencils
Highlighter (any color)
This is a college preparatory lab-based physics course that offers the student a firm foundation in the basic laws and theories of physics. Students should have completed Algebra I and a Geometry course that included the basic trigonometric functions such as sin, cosine, and tangent as defined on a right triangle. This is necessary for the vector analysis used in this course.
The course starts out with a review of measurements, units, significant figures and conversions from standard units to metric units. It then goes into a discussion of scalar and vector quantities, starting with distance, displacement, speed, and velocity. The distinctions between instantaneous and average values are discussed, and graphical analysis is used. It uses those concepts to discuss Newton’s First Law.
The course continues with learning about force, acceleration, and Newton’s Laws and how to apply those concepts using standard equations of one-dimensional motion in several situations including free fall, terminal velocity, Newton’s 3rd Law, and friction.
From one-dimensional situations, two-dimensional vectors are explained in different situations. The concepts of centripetal force, torque, and gravitational force are introduced. Students will work the concepts of momentum, waves, and frequency as it applies to both sound and light. Students will end with geometric optics, electricity, and magnetism.
Students will be expected take notes, show proficiency in the concepts presented, and complete written experiments. There are a total of 45 experiments.
Prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry
Supply Fee: $30
Required Textbooks:
Discovering Design With Physics
by Dr. Jay L. Wile; Berean Builders
ISBN 979-8985252989
1 ½ or 2 inch binder
College ruled OR graphing composition notebook
1 folder with 3 prong, any color
Highlighter, colored pencils, 2 pencils and 2 pens (one colored)
Scientific calculator
Compass and protractor
Item description