Medical Concerns
List any medical or health concerns that the teachers and/or Admin Team at Scholars need to be aware of. Comment N/A if this does not apply.
List any known allergies for your student. Comment N/A if this does not apply.
List prescription medication (and current dosage) your student will need to take during the school day at Scholars. The Admin Team will keep all medication secured and will dispense it accordingly. Comment N/A if this does not apply.
Parental/Guardian consent and authorization
My typed name below serves as an electronic signature that I do hereby state that I have legal custody of the aforementioned Minor. I grant my authorization and consent for Scholars faculty/staff to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the Minor. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, I authorize the Designated adult (Scholars faculty/staff) to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the minor and to issue consent for any X-ray, anesthetic, blood transfusion, medication, or other medical diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care deemed advisable by, and to be rendered under the general supervision of any licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, hospital, or other medical professional or institution duly licensed to practice in the state in which such treatment is to occur. I agree to assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any such medical treatment, but is given to provide authority and power on the part of the Designated Adult (TSC faculty/staff) in the exercise of his or her best judgment upon the advice of any such medical or emergency personnel. Authorization is effective for the entire school year.