Tuition and Fee Agreement 2025-2026

Registration Fee (Due at the time of registration):

  • $180 one student 

  • $335 two students

  • $410 family maximum


Tuition and Fees:

  • Core and elective classes:  $700 per class, per year. Classes meet twice-a-week for a total of 140 minutes of instruction.

  • CoffeeHouse (CH): $225 per year, per CH period. CH is a central room for studying, visiting, snacking between classes and is available each period of the day.

  • Discount: Students taking four classes will receive one free CoffeeHouse.

  • Supply fees: Classes may require a supply fee and will be detailed under class descriptions on the Scholars website. NOTE: Supply fees are subject to change prior to the first day of classes.

Free Services/Products:

  • Coffee and Hot Cocoa are provided by Scholars. 

  • A monitored 30-minute lunch period is available each school day (students supply their own lunch)

  • Course placement testing

  • MySchoolWorx parent and student training and support

Invoicing/Payment Options:

While completing the Family Registration Form you will choose a payment option.  Once submitted, the Finance Department will send an invoice and form to get payment set up for the year.

Payment Options:     

  1. Pay a full year's tuition by bank draft or check (with no added fees).

  2. Pay a full year's tuition by credit card/debit card (a 3% fee will be added to cover charges from merchant services).

  3. Monthly payments: 9 payments August-April by recurring automatic bank draft (a 5% processing fee will be added each month)

  4. Monthly payments: 9 payments August-April by recurring automatic credit/debit card (a 5% processing fee for the monthly payment plan and a 3% merchant services fee will be added)

Add/Drop/Withdrawal Period: To accommodate student needs, Scholars will provide an assessment period through the second week of the school year (September 12). During this time students will receive a full tuition refund (does not include registration fee) for dropped classes or complete withdrawals.

Commitment to Classes: After the two-week assessment period, tuition will not be reimbursed. We must do this to keep our commitment to our teachers and for the viability of our class community. (Extreme circumstances will be brought before the Board and taken into consideration.)